I can’t remember a time Seymour has been so flooded. Thunderstorms, nearby tornados (watches/warnings locally over and over again — but so far we’ve been lucky), and just plain old rain has been soaking my area of the world for days. Water is totally over the road here.
I have a relative living in the Boulevards and she measured 28 inches of water standing in her basement… everything ruined. Water tanks from the farm store were floating in front of Pizza Palace right on US 50, and cars were floating at the Jay C store right down from my home.
Parts of US 31 and I-65 between Seymour and Crothersville have been closed. Even parts of the Interstate that are open are flooded.

Brownstown is certainly no better…
On a brighter note… I’ve got my very own boat ramp!
Sadly, there is no ‘brighter note’ for farmers. Currently, more rain and storms are in the forecast until Friday. 🙁