I always sweep out the 3-season room every time I mow the yard. As I sweep, I also take the broom around the top of the windows and doors to knock down any cobwebs. Lots of spider webs… very few spiders ever spotted.
Cooling off before taking a shower by sitting at the computer, I felt something on my neck. I thought it was an earring. I reached up to scratch the itch and felt something hairy. EEEK! I knocked the unknown creature off; the furry thing landed on my leg; I screamed again and knocked it to the floor. Then… I couldn’t find anything.
Almost to the shower, I remembered I didn’t mow that one patch of grass hidden by shrubs. I pulled my hair into a ponytail but because I’m vain, I walked in the bathroom and grabbed a mirror to see the back of my head. I wanted to see just how awful I looked. But…
I ripped off my shirt and stomped the sucker. And then, I started Googling to see if I had been bitten how long I had to live.

Picture comparisons told me the dead arachnid is/was a tan jumping spider. Even if the guy got me, I wasn’t going to die of poison.
But Dharma didn’t seem to care either way. Perfectly content to bask in the sun, she thought I made a big deal over nothing.