I read article about common sense mistakes you make on the job. It included a list of ten or so bullet points, but I only remember two of them…
One was not to say “ummm” as a pause for a brain fart when you’re talking to someone. The other I remember was to STOP WASTING TIME.
The author said time is a valuable resource… likely no one would argue with that. The article also explained that we all start with the same amount every day. That is pretty obvious, as well. What blew me away was the writer’s simple solution to stop wasting time:
“Identify your time-wasters and quit doing them.”
If you’re not your own boss, (and even if you are), you understand that statement is ludicrous.
The job I do includes a whole bunch of time-wasters that are out of my control. I’ve identified them, and I’ve even brought some of them to the attention of others… but I can’t quit doing them.
And, there are time-wasters in every job that I’m sure no one has control over — like spending time with a customer/client explaining something you’ve already explained 10 times… or going out of your way to help because it’s the right thing to do.
Have you identified YOUR biggest on the job time-wasters? Did YOU just stop doing them?
Mowing grass is a waste of time — it grows back. Still, stop mowing and see what happens. Or ask Dharma… even she knows the answer to that one.