Last night, I had the craziest dream ever. It landed Perry in jail for murder… or some kind of vehicular homicide! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In my dream, Carl and I watched as Perry was driving a school bus down US 31. All of a sudden, Perry totally flipped out! He jumped from the driver’s seat, ran to the back of the bus and started putting up windows. Yelling at him to get back in the seat before an accident, he refused and simply moved to the next window. There was a crash. Perry needed an ambulance (not from the wreck but because he went crazy and turned blue) and off he went on a stretcher.
Mom appeared and told me I needed to call Ben because “word was getting out” as we were walking to the back of an unknown house. On the back step, a crying Mexican told me the guy in the blue car would survive, but there was one fatality — a really nice guy.
And then I awoke… it was 4:30 AM. Still groggy, I questioned why either Carl or I didn’t just get in the driver’s seat and wondered if the police would soon be around to question us. Even crazier… I KNOW there’s no way on God’s green earth either one of us would ride with Perry driving a school bus in the first place.
Where in the recesses of my brain did all that come from??? How did I make that shit up? Everybody knows — even ME — that the only thing Perry kills is vampires. 🙂