My cousin, Jerilyn, has been a part of my life from my first memory. Her Mom, my favorite Aunt Shirley, married Delmar when Jerilyn was very young and he brought a son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren to the marriage.
His son passed away shortly thereafter and Shirley pulled those 3 little girls under her wing. That meant Lisa, Gina, and Jill were my family too. All grown now, Lisa is the mother of 3 kids — 2 married and one not even in high school yet — and she’s also a grandma. All this and she’s never been married. But she is NOW!
Of course, this milestone was worth celebrating! Around 100 or so people rolled in and out of MasterSbilt for the reception. It hardly looked like a race car shop last night…

I think this was like my 5th trip to my hometown in about as many years since I moved. I ate cake and Perry had a greasy taco. It was wonderful seeing people I hadn’t seen for a long time and was absolutely an occasion worth celebrating. Perry thought it was fun — see?