Back to Pho Shiki for lunch yesterday. I LOVE that place! Although the steak is fabulous, I rarely pass up ordering pho.
Besides sprouts and lime, I add quite a few jalapeños and a healthy amount of sriracha to the mix. It’s really hot, you guys. So hot that it’s not long before I begin to sweat and my nose runs. (Attractive, right?) Still, I eat those rice noodles until I think I’ll pop. So today I’m thinking…
Why eat a food (and LOVE that food) when it hurts?
The entire time I’m eating (and for about 30-minutes afterward), my lips feel as if they are on fire. If one drop of that broth hits that little tit at the back of my throat, I cough. Still I eat it and think it’s amazing.
Google says:
When capsaicin – the chemical in spicy foods that makes them so hot, Hot, HOT – hits your tongue, your body registers the sensation as pain. This in turn triggers the release of endorphins, otherwise known as “happy” chemicals that give you an instant head-to-toe feeling of pleasure.
The moral of this story is… if you’re having a bad day eat some pho.