Over the weekend, I did a bit of housecleaning. I started in my closets.
I’m ashamed to admit that I have three double-door closets full of clothes. I carried out three leaf-sized trash bags full of items I no longer wear and I STILL could use more space. I logged over 14,000 steps and never left the house.
While I was busy carrying stuff out, this little dude was busy carrying stuff in. (What exactly is that in his mouth? I’m hoping it’s not a dog turd I didn’t get picked up in a timely manner.)

While Mr. Squirrel and I were busy working, the Seymour Oktoberfest hosted a hot-air balloon race.
One thing I’ve never done — and it’s NOT on my bucket list — is riding in a hot air balloon. Any offer of less than $1M and I wouldn’t even consider allowing my feet to lift off the ground in one of those. Doubtful I’ll ever be faced with that proposition, chances are I’ll die having never been a passenger in an air-borne basket surrounded by propane tanks.