If true, there are a few companies making a profit from me. My current complaint is Metronet. I’m about |-| close to the “breakpoint.” If you’re playing along at home, that’s corporate jargon used to define how far customers can be pushed before their heads explode.
Did you know that some companies equip call centers with software that analyzes a caller’s tone of voice and pace of speech to determine how upset the person is? And… did you know MANY companies crunch data and use artificial intelligence to determine exactly how angry a customer has to be before they bail? Oh… and they push right to that point.
We wonder why customers are so oftentimes rude, right? Well, maybe that’s because customers are being conditioned to feel the only way to get what they pay for is to demand it.
Take me for example — I found out today that although I’ve paid Metronet for 1000Mbps service for almost THREE YEARS, the equipment they installed for me isn’t even capable of providing that! The second I mentioned switching back to Xfinity, (who also has pathetic customer service), my charges were prorated and techs will be here Monday to install new equipment.
In the meantime, my download speed is a whopping 1.85 (when it should be at least 800). Gracie’s is patiently waiting… but I’m not.