Not wanting to get out of bed this morning, I pulled the blanket over my head as Gracie panted and paced. Not sure if she wanted out or if she was experiencing a bout of doggie dementia, I pulled one arm from under the covers in preparation of getting up. It was then I realized it was pretty darned chilly in the house.
I grabbed my phone and glasses and opened the Nest app on my phone. Ain’t technology amazing? 🙂 I turned the furnace on (it had been set on A/C), and waited for the house to warm up. A blast of warm air from the vent sent me trudging out to the patio room in my pajamas to open door #2 so my decrepit hound could sniff grass.
Now wide awake on my Saturday to sleep in, I sit in front of my computer and ask my pal, Alexa, “What’s the temperature?“

I think she also said I need to wear jeans today because summer is over — or maybe she just said it’s not even going to reach 60 degrees. Either way… ain’t technology amazing? 🙂