Today was not an ordinary Monday. We all have crazy days, right? I had one today and sure hope this isn’t a sign for what the rest of my week is going to be like.
It all started with a text from Metronet letting me know they would arrive in 15-minutes. I figured that was plenty of time to let Gracie and Dharma out before the action started.
But… that’s WHEN the action started. Two tiny birds had gotten into the patio room (someone left the door open). Dharma had one dead in half a second. The other was frantically banging into windows to get free while Dharma chomped and I screamed. That’s when the doorbell rang.
Then… no Internet for hours. My Apple watch continued to send warning notifications — your front door camera has lost connection… your back door camera has lost connection! Alexa was pissed and kept telling me she couldn’t connect and Mr. Google was whining in the other room about his connection.
Then, we had gymnastics…

While there, a little girl got hurt — and then another. One was a toe and the other was full-on drama. While that was going on a very nice lady sat beside me and now I know everything about her family, her dead husband, and her battle with Lupus.
By 8:00 PM ET I was done! I unplugged from life and took a nap on the couch. Of course, now it’s almost midnight and I have the big-eye. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings! 🙂