You know that little piggy that went wee, wee, wee, all the way home? Well… that little piggy is purple, looks like a sausage, and screams no matter where he goes. Youch!
I stuck that little piggy in a pair of shoes and took Colette to gymnastics yesterday. Pretty sure gymnastics is a grandma’s job because I’ve yet to meet a parent. One lady there is typically quiet, but I sat with her yesterday and she talked to me.
I found out that she retired after working in a factory on 3rd shift for 31 years. I also found out that her granddaughter had to choose between gymnastics and swimming because they couldn’t afford both. It made me so sad I wanted to slip her a couple hundred bucks and tell her to sign that little blonde-headed spitfire up.
There are so very many good causes that are deserving — I wish I could support them all. It did make me happy that g’ma had the money to at least let the little girl do one sport she loves. And maybe… we shouldn’t give in to every single desire a child might have. Maybe doing both activities would cause grades to suffer, and maybe making choices builds character and appreciation for the things that DO work out.
Life is a balancing act, isn’t it?