It rained all day yesterday. All. Day. Late afternoon, the winds kicked up to between 40-45mph (at least that’s what Alexa told me). And now, dirty, wet, brown leaves are about 4″ deep in the backyard. I’m so glad I raked and mulched on Thursday because it did ZERO good.
This year, there are no colorful trees to decorate the fall season — not in my neighborhood at least. Such a dry ending to summer caused the leaves to go straight from green to brown. So uneventful. I look forward to nature’s colorful transition of seasons, so this year was a major dud.
I see this little critter at least once per day on my own, but Dharma points him/her out a lot more often than that. Every single time spotted, the varmint has a mouthful of something to store for the upcoming winter. My guess is the resident squirrel is female. She works much too hard to be male. 🙂

A couple years back, her cousin met his demise after chewing on cords high on the pole in the back corner of the yard. Internet went out and little dude was taken away in a bag.
Gather away, girlfriend — but stay away from those wires on the ceiling of your house.