Dharma is still struggling after losing her buddy last week. She’s stuck to me like a glue ball. Although she will sometimes lie down without touching me, she has me in her sight 100% of the time.
She still looks for Gracie each time she goes outside. She still stops to smell her bed even though I cleaned it with bleach and a water hose. She looks so sad…

But it is getting better!
It’s been at LEAST 6 months since we’ve had a full night’s sleep — until last night. Gracie would typically wake up about 3:00 AM and stir for a more comfortable position. That would always wake up Dharma who then whined to go outside. With nothing to wake up Dharma, she slept the entire night through. That translated to 8.5 hours of me snoozing last night.
I have mixed feelings about upping the puppy count around here again. I know Dharma would love the company, but I’m just not sure I’m ready.