First, let me bring up that I’ve been looking forward to snow since it was first suggested in the forecast for southern Indiana for tomorrow. Adjusted to just rainfall, I’m pretty bummed. Dharma isn’t thrilled about rain either.

Next, Katie Masters (my sort of adopted niece) was successful in her bid for Crothersville Town Council. While young, nobody cares more than she does. She purchased my Nanny’s house from me (at a significantly reduced price, I might add) and I’m not sure that girl will EVER leave Crothersville.
And finally, every single time I go on Facebook it makes me sad/mad. Yes, both. Before I tell you why, let me throw a few statistics at you:
- Worldwide, 1.47 billion people log in daily
- 74 percent of US users visit daily, with just over half of those checking in multiple times per day
- Facebook has 2.41 billion monthly active users and it’s the 3rd most visited website (Google is #1 and YouTube is #2)
I’m one of the daily log-in people. Scroll… scroll faster… scroll some more… DONE. Here’s what I see during these visits:
- Political bullshit. (More on this in a bit.)
- Hawkers. (These are my friends, mind you.) Women are the worst for joining MLM companies and use FB to push their wares. Make-up, jewelry, and smell good stuff is what I primarily see. Friends hawking crap to other friends for a buck. This is in the form of status posts AND lots and lots of live video.
- Ads in general. If you go on Zappos and look at a new pair of boots, Facebook will serve that ad up to you a bajillion times. Just buy the damned boots.
- Memes. How many times can the same meme be posted? Ummm… LOTS.
- A few interesting posts from ‘real’ friends. Where they are… what they’re doing, etc.
- Cute photos. Dogs, cats, various other critters and children/grandchildren are what I slow down for.
All that garbage and you know what I hate most? The people I respect stooping to name-calling. You don’t like the president? Fine! But if you’re over 70 and are a retired school teacher, please stop calling him a “pussy grabber” in public. For the love of all that’s holy, STOP!
Try posting cute puppy photos instead. Your blood pressure will surely go down at least 20 points and I won’t want to slap your face if I see you in the grocery store.