Christmas traditions change…just like everything else

Nov 17, 2019

Our family always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve with chili, presents, and close family. I’m not sure if that started because we had a grocery store (and the closing hour required), or if Mom planned it that way because Nanny did before her.

Christmas OLD.

For whatever the reason, that carried on to me. I hosted Christmas on the Eve for decades. From the first time I was a homeowner until two years ago.

Although I was in different homes, it was the same drill. We just added additional celebrations in other locations.

Holiday in a nursing home.
Christmas with Dad.

Then Perry came along with his HUGE family and it was a culture shock for me, you guys. We started going there on Christmas Day where there were lots of kids with fewer packages (we were a small family with lots of gifts). With so many people to feed, there was tons of food. But lo and behold… they have chili on Christmas too!

large family at christmas

Then… COCO! Although my house was small, the tree kept getting bigger.

Ho ho Coco.
This was a massive tree!

As time progressed, Mom and Carl decided to become Christmas part-timers (one year thinking being warm was priority — the next coming home because they miss ‘the baby’ and family). My house got bigger, the tree and family smaller. The only thing constant became the faces Ben and Perry make, and chili on the menu.

Ben’s time to carry the holiday torch started 2 years ago. Chili is gone as the meal; Dad, Nanny and Pap-pa are gone; and my favorite brother and his wife live a bajillion miles away so the date is not always on the Eve. Mom and Carl are still sporadic as to where they are for Christmas but Katie was added to the mix.

Christmas at Ben's.

I remember a time Nanny didn’t want to put up a tree and I insisted. Today… I’m Nanny! I ordered a new Christmas tree at Balsam Hill yesterday although decorating is no longer that important to me. I bought it because it’s smaller and I refuse to move furniture this year.

I will decorate, but Ben will host our small gathering on some day (not even sure when). I know without a doubt we will not be eating chili. And you know what? I’m GREAT with that!!

Times change — traditions change.

Families change and life moves along. It’s just as awesome… it’s only different.