mother nature is trying to blow my house down

Nov 27, 2019

Here we are, late November and it’s about 50 degrees. But hey! It ‘feels like‘ 37 because the wind is blowing between 26 and 35 mph. I took the dogs outside and had to do a double-take to make sure I didn’t just step into a wind turbine. Nearby communities are without power and if my patio room doesn’t cave in after this, I’m going to be using it as a storm shelter in the future.

I know you’re likely already tired of me blowing this up with puppy photos and ramblings about Merida’s antics. Sorry. (Not sorry!) Here’s the thing… new puppies are ALL CONSUMING. I have no life outside of watching a black mongrel chew, poop and pee. The ONLY TIME Merida is good is when she’s sleeping.

Merida is good only when she sleeps.

She’s sort of like a hog in that her chewing is similar to rooting. Pigs get a cool nose piercing to stop that rooting crap. Merida’s bottom lip is worn raw from her poking that little shark mouth against everything imaginable to chew.

Puppy has a raw bottom lip.

If the vet can’t put her in a coma for a couple months during her check-up on Friday — I’m going to see about a lip ring.