Pretty sure everyone has now felt the impact of COVID 19. You may be working from home (I hope so); you may have kids at home from school (not a bad thing); and you may be preparing for a national lock down just in case (I know I am). Merida is practicing social distancing via self-quarantine.

So many true stories that are heart-breaking — and scary — are being consumed by the masses. From heart-wrenching… like the Indiana guy that died as he video conferences with his wife who is also isolated with the virus. To just sad… Perry let me know about a guy at Walmart buying hot dogs saying he had 3 kids at home to feed and there was no buns or bread available to buy.
Shelves everywhere are empty. Your favorite stores probably look like this too (taken last night at Madison Walmart AFTER stocking everything received):

We all remember healthcare workers and their sacrifices — as we should. Sometimes we think about those truck drivers who are trying to keep necessities in stores for us to buy (even though they aren’t being exposed so much). We may not think about the workers in grocery stores and pharmacies that are required to work no matter what but we need to!
Those workers are afraid and don’t want to be there. Some (like Walmart) won’t allow their cashiers or those who stock shelves to wear gloves or masks for fear of “scaring customers.” After seeing the photos, I’m not sure anything would scare people away from buying food.
Hang in there and be safe. And… smile since it’s Tuesday!