One would think my efforts to stay home because of COVID-19 would be easy peasy since I already work from here. Not the case! Life is making my self-quarantine plan impossible.
Merida had an appointment to be spayed that I sure didn’t want to miss; groceries had to be picked up; and today, I had to see my dermatologist for a procedure. Two-weeks from now, I know I have to return there — and Merida has stitches that will need removal in 2 weeks, as well.
I’m continuing with life — but I’m not going out unnecessarily because, “the one who stayed away saved the rest.”

I’m washing my hands lots, you guys, and taking every precaution I can think of. I’m staying home as much as possible and doing my best to stay healthy. I hope you are too!
Knowing sleep is important to good health, that’s where I’m failing. Miserabily. My dogs must be big ole’ babies when it comes to pain. Merida had an awful night after surgery; therefore, my night was horrible too. Look at those eyes! (Mine look about the same.) 🙂

But we’re eating good around here. Any germ that could live through the heat of my chili would have to be tougher than any ole’ coronavirus.

Let’s face it. Tougher times are likely coming. To get through them, we must focus on what we are able to accomplish, and be grateful for what we have. I can do that… you can too! 🙂