On March 3rd, I started thinking about the possibility we’d all be stuck inside at home. On Friday, March 6th, our scheduled corporate events began to cancel and shit got real. That was my first full-day of self-quarantine. In over 2 weeks, I’ve been out of my house a total of 4 times:
- Drop Merida off for surgery.
- Pick Merida up from surgery.
- Grocery store pick-up.
- Necessary dermatology appointment.
One person, my g/f Sherry, is the only human that’s been here other than Perry and Ben. Although nothing like other parts of the world, there are coronavirus cases all around here. Scott County, Indiana, reported their first COVID-19 death, as did Schneck Medical in Jackson County, (my county). I have no plans to un-quarantine in the near future.
If not for Merida making me CRAZY with her sore belly and constant hyperactivity, it’s not horrible.

The worst so far was not getting to hug the pesky neighbors (especially on my birthday) since I hadn’t seen them for months. Equally as depressing is knowing it’s not possible to spend time with Ben & Colette. I did get a really cute FB birthday wish from my niece (my sister-in-law’s daughter-in-law… I think that makes her a niece) that made me smile.

Obviously, what is going on right now SUCKS. There are so many things we CAN’T do. We CAN’T eat in restaurants. We CAN’T travel to exotic places. But we CAN be positive, polite, and respectful of others. (That means staying home when you can and not buying all the toilet paper.)