Day 17 of QwD (Quarantined with Dogs for those of you playing along at home) AND it’s a Monday. If you’ve been hanging out here any time at all, you know I always share a photo with every post. For who-knows-how-long I’ve just used iPhone photos.
Let QwD #17 be known as the day I break out my Canon digital and lenses. Sadly, I can’t share photos of beautiful beaches or mountains. Not even my best telephoto lens can capture much from the confines of my property. I can’t even do much in the way of sunrises or sunsets since my yard is flanked by privacy fencing and neighbors. But you guys have the distinct opportunity to know my shrubs personally — and my dogs too!
As my camera charges, let me share the conversation I had with my son this morning:
me: Hey… I’m doing a grocery order, do you need anything?
him: Eggs and pepper but I’ve got to hang up now. This e-Learning thing is an all day job.
me: Oh?
him: I’ll text you later. **click**

Ben is extremely computer savvy and he seems to be struggling on the 1st day of online school. I can’t imagine how frustrated some parents are going to be as the rest of the school year wears on.
Everyone has that one thing that they find harder to deal with during a self-quarantine or partial shut down. My biggest challenge happens to be a little black puppy.
What’s Yours?
PS. No iPhone photos tomorrow… so long as the Canon digital survived it’s quarantine.