Thought about grabbing fast food today (that’s allowed here in Indiana), but decided against it. Frozen pizza is good enough. That’s called personal responsibility — I’ve taken control of ME. I sure can’t control others (some are total idiots, you guys) but I can control my actions, attitude and behavior.
I didn’t NEED to go out in public, so I didn’t.
It’s so warm today it feels like spring. 75 degrees and the sun has popped out a few times. The rest of the time has been cloudy and we had one big ole’ storm early this afternoon. There was a clap of thunder that was so loud the puppies jumped up and ran for cover. And then… it was so steamy you could see it.

I’m about to hit the sun room with a broom and some clorox. I’m thinking it might be nice to sit out there once things dry up a bit. Sadly, it’s still extremely difficult to have both dogs outside at the same time. Merida is simply too rough and tumble — and Dharma is too tolerant of her behavior.
Here’s your COVID-19 suggestion of the day…
My favorite brother and colleague, Scott McKain, is live on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at 3:00 PM ET every day. He delivers a short and interactive 15-minute idea or two that’s sure to help you through this challenging time.