Seriously, every muscle in my body hurts. My arms feel like Jell-O. But it’s not COVID-19, you guys! Yesterday, I raked leaves and picked them up, push-mowed the entire yard, cleaned out my flower beds, and manhandled the weed-eater like a pro.
Today, I feel like I’m 100 years-old. At least 100!
Working outside shifted my thoughts about the pandemic to thoughts of my great uncle, Ted, (who owned this house before me). Why Ted? Because I would LOVE to know why in the world he chose to plant whatever type of grass is here. In the spring there are dead spots… a LOT of spots. But about a month from now I’ll wake up and have the prettiest green lawn you’ve ever seen.

I wonder if it has anything to do with a story Carl shared… about the time someone charged poor ole’ Ted to spray the grass with some kind of animal shit (chicken maybe?) and bugs swarmed for seasons afterward. No matter, the first yard work of the season is in the books and I didn’t see any creepy flying critters.
Day #28 and I sure do miss family
Being a Nana (and a Mom to a grown child) is rough as you’re sheltering in place. When Ben and Coco stopped to get groceries I had delivered here, Colette blew me kisses from the car. Ben and I stayed at least 15′ apart. I know it’s what we’re supposed to do and I want nothing more than to keep all of us healthy… but it’s heartbreaking. And it’s not nearly over yet!

With Fauci saying he believes there should be a federally mandated stay-at-home order in place, I wonder if that’s in our future (even though Trump doesn’t seem to be in favor of it because different states have different levels of cases).
What say you?
Here’s what I think…