No matter how you say it, I’ve been QwD (quarantined with dogs) for THIRTY days today. I don’t keep up with any coronavirus news on Sundays — except what various people share on Facebook when I check in there. That doesn’t mean that people aren’t ignoring the rules while others are getting sick and dying. It’s simply that it will still be there tomorrow and I want to ignore ugly news one day a week.
My one task today — and the most excitement I’ve had this week — was cleaning the microwave. It’s cloudy and cooler today, but (and I can’t believe I’m even thinking this!), I can’t wait till I can mow the yard again. 😉
Besides the 30 days at home QwD, I’ve also not had fast food nor have I eaten any meal I didn’t prepare. No take-out and no delivery of prepared food for 30 big ones. My first couple grocery bills were HUGE, but now I can see it’s saving quite a bit of money.

I also make “to go” orders for Ben, and Perry eats what I fix for the most part. He would rather eat chili every single day than a plate of spaghetti — so he’s the closer on my cooking a good bit of the time – but spaghetti is my job, and I’ve got that covered just fine.
Happy quarantine Sunday, you guys. Merida hopes you relax today without a care in the world!

36 cases in Jackson County (up 8 since yesterday)
4,411 cases in Indiana (up 458 since yesterday)
331,151 cases in America (up 30,236 since yesterday)