During last night’s pretty awful storm, I was thinking about my options — primarily what they would’ve been if I wasn’t quarantined with dogs. If not for COVID-19, I could’ve went to my son’s house with a basement. Since that wasn’t an option, I baked cookies and ignored the howling wind and light show.
Today is #34 for me… sheltered in place… QwD (quarantined with dogs).
When you spend a lot of time alone (except for dogs) confined to your home/property, everything little thing becomes magnified. I guess that should be expected with the virus chaos swirling around us, but I think loss of control affects different people in varying degrees.
Once the storm had subsided and I crawled under the covers, I thought back to when I was younger and struggling with all kinds of life’s set-backs. I remember times I thought, “Why do I have ALL the bad luck? Why can’t anything go my way… just once?”
Older and wiser today me thinks I made my own bad luck. Older and wiser me is stronger because of those really poopy choices made and is grateful for the challenges I fought and overcame. Older and wiser me takes less for granted and is so much more grateful for everything!

I have shelter and food. I have plenty of coffee and creamer!
I’m in a position now that I’m able to help others — and I do. Lots and often. I’m healthy and have an amazing support group of wonderful family and friends for which I’m grateful. Heck, Perry even scored a pack of toilet paper today! Wuwu! 🙂
Even though the numbers aren’t looking great — I’m hopeful. I feel we’re soon to be on the better side of this.
After 10:00 AM ET Update:
53 cases in Jackson County (up 7 since yesterday)
6,351 cases in Indiana (up 408 since yesterday)
245 total deaths in Indiana (up 42 since yesterday)
452,554 cases in US (up 32,575 since yesterday)