Sounds crazy, but I sure wish it was warm enough to mow grass. It only got to a whopping 45° yesterday so “shelter at home” means “shelter inside” here in southern Indiana. Blah! Come on sunshine! More rain in the forecast and we’re not even going to sniff 70° until next Tuesday. The outlook is bleak!
If you’re like me and watch the daily press conferences, did y’all notice Trump’s hair?? Maybe it was just the lighting, but the difference between 4/14 and 4/15 was big…

I know if I didn’t have color, the difference would be big for me too. HUGE! In my 30’s, I had so many highlights that my hair was close to blonde — not orange or white, but more like straw actually. It was so bad, I did it again about 15 years-ago… just not quite as extreme.

All this talk about hair coloring has Merida wondering if it’s true that blondes have more fun. I wonder if that’s why she keeps sneaking in the bathroom and chewing up bottles of shampoo and conditioner. Maybe she’s just looking for something to lighten or highlight her ebony locks.

COVID-19 update — Indiana/Jackson County runs a day behind on reporting:
77 cases in Jackson County (up 3)
9,542 cases in Indiana (up 587)
477 total deaths in Indiana (up 41)
640,014 cases in US (up 26,927 since yesterday)
Have you seen the Kentuckians protesting their state’s coronavirus regulations? Can they not see that their state is doing better than surrounding ones? Those idiot protesters must be transplants from Indiana where people take their kids to Walmart for a day trip.

And finally, yesterday at Perry’s Walmart store, electronic sales were up by 500%. Those stimulus deposits are great news for manufacturers of big screen TVs and gaming consoles. Y’all gonna have to pay your rent or face eviction at some point. Just sayin’. 😉