My two hounds take FOREVER getting in and out of the back door. Of course, that lets nasty flies come in that I personally feel must die immediately. I’m quickly learning that to become a professional fly swatter, you must sit with said swatter in your lap 100% of the time.
Merida and Dharma fail to understand the need to rush as it relates to the ‘in/out’ process.

Rainy and cooler temps outside made for even MORE flies in the house and about 100 reasons why it’s so important that I improve my fly killing expertise. It’s cooler and raining today in southern Indiana after sunshine yesterday that made some pretty cool shadows under the trees.

Quick stats as of 12:30 PM ET 4/23/2020 (day #48 of isolation for me)
100 cases in Jackson County (up 3 since yesterday – 0 deaths)
13,039 cases in Indiana (up 612 since yesterday)
706 Deaths in Indiana (new 45)
843,981 cases in America (up 13,192 since yesterday)
Merida didn’t contribute any new stats since yesterday. It will take multiple days before we can proclaim we’ve flattened THAT curve.

Another Indiana COVID-19 site you might find interesting is Basically it’s public and private sector data on emergency department visits, inpatient admissions and laboratory testing that aims to provide the most complete picture of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indiana.
The thing I find most interesting is that Jackson County (within this data) has MORE THAN TWICE as many COVID-19 patients recorded as Bartholomew County — which has DOUBLE the number of people living there.
Keep being safe and kind! 🙂