Late last night, taking a “relaxing” bath while home alone, I heard a man’s voice in the house. I could tell the voice was masculine but couldn’t make out what he was saying or who he was talking to. My heart beating almost out of my chest, I quickly get out of the water and get dressed.
Peeking my head out of the door, I can hear the dude still talking. Just rambling away… but to whom? My sneaky self, half dressed and dripping wet, slithered down the hall ready to make my best quarantine escape.
Who is the male in my house and how did he get in?!?
I continued to follow the sound and noticed the dogs were acting normal about the same time as I figured out the talking man was in the back bedroom. I creeped my way there to peek in and found… it wasn’t some man in the bedroom after all…
Merida had turned on the weather radio with her nose!

The low, masculine voice was still droning on and on about the upcoming forecast for my area. If Merida didn’t have moments of serene cuteness, she would have already found a new home with someone braver than I.

Quick stats as of 12:30 PM ET 4/24/2020 (day #49 of isolation for me)
101 cases in Jackson County (up 1 since yesterday – 0 deaths)
13,680 cases in Indiana (up 656 since yesterday)
741 Deaths in Indiana (new 35)
872,122 cases in America (up 28,141 since yesterday)
Merida – 1 : Me – 0
Stay safe. Stay sane — even with all the crazy challenges you’re facing.