Yesterday, I decided to back-up my photos and videos to the Amazon cloud. (If you have Amazon Prime, you get unlimited photo storage… in case you didn’t know.) Watching the thousands of photo and video titles roll by during upload, the video ‘Disney Vacation 2015‘ caught my eye.
I couldn’t help but open it… and then I got all teary-eyed and totally down in the dumps. There we were… with a bajillion other people… having a wonderful time — as “Do you want to build a snowman” played as background music. The part that “got me” was seeing how intimately Coco was able to interact with the Disney princesses.

How long before children again get to experience these magical encounters — and how will Disney handle this at reopen? Think about it… I’ll betcha their people are working day and night to figure out how to balance magical and practical.
All the surfaces we touch without a way to disinfect before a retouch…

Quick stats as of 1:50 PM ET 4/28/2020 (day #53 of isolation for me)
125 cases in Jackson County (up 7 since yesterday – 0 deaths)
16,588 cases in Indiana (up 650 since yesterday)
901 Deaths in Indiana (new 57)
1 death now in Jackson County. 🙁
1,002,498 cases in America (up 15,476 since yesterday)
Yes, that’s now over 1 million — more than double what it was on 4/10.
Me able to sleep more than 5.5 hours – 0 : Merida – 210