Shortages everywhere! Almost 2 months from the onset of COVID-19 and it’s still near impossible to get:
- Toilet paper and paper towels
- Lysol or Clorox wipes, alcohol and hand sanitizer
- And, don’t think you can buy a freezer — those are on back-order until August at all the home improvement centers
- Frozen foods — not sure where people are putting all the frozen stuff they’re buying
- Meat of any kind — farmers are fresh out of fat steers until September and any meat product seems to always get crossed off on online grocery orders (Perry is able to score a package of hamburger and an occasional beef roast at his store)
- Face masks not homemade
I have plenty of coffee! So long as I can get my Truvia sweetener and Starbucks creamer, I can survive without all that other stuff anyway.
I’m still quarantined with dogs and practicing safe social distancing on this 54th day. Except in the kitchen. I think Perry and I were about 4′ apart rather than the recommended 6′. I need a bigger table, you guys!

Merida is still concerned about the rising COVID-19 cases… especially in Jackson County, Indiana. She’s watching for the RONA and will notify me if it comes in her yard.

Quick stats as of 5:10 PM ET 4/29/2020 (day #54 of isolation for me)
128 cases in Jackson County (up 10 since yesterday – 1 death)
17,182 cases in Indiana (up 605 since yesterday)
964 Deaths in Indiana (new 63)
1,034,884 cases in America (up 32,386 since yesterday)
Yard – 0 : Holes dug by Merida – 3 biggies
TIL (today I learned): Sloths only poop once a week, and when they do they lose up to 1/5th of their body weight. Pooping for sloths is also responsible for 50% of their deaths, as being down on the ground is a vulnerable time for them. Overall, the entire trip to poop uses 8% of their daily energy needs. Click for article…