Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Merida had something hanging out both sides of her mouth. Whatever it was was dark and flapped up and down as she casually jogged by. The second she saw me looking… the chase was on! Obviously, she knew it was something she wasn’t supposed to have.
We circled around the kitchen. Merida darted under a chair out of my reach. I countered by closing the pocket doors that block the living room from the hallway. Ha! As she slithered out from her safe spot and sprinted down the hall, her escape was blocked. I nabbed her. I won!
I’ve told Perry at least 5,000 times that he must charge his Fitbit watch out of the reach of a certain little black heathen. 5,000 times, he ignored me. He sure is lucky that I’m attentive, fast and smart. 😉
Merida is contemplating her next move…

Fitbit Versa 2 and me – 1 : Merida – 0 (yay!)
Quick stats as of 12:15 PM ET 5/3/2020 (day #58 of isolation for me)
165 cases in Jackson County (up 2 since yesterday)
19,933 cases in Indiana (up 645 since yesterday)
1,132 Deaths in Indiana (new 17)
1,134,673 cases in America (up 43,635 since yesterday)
Here’s a graphic of Indiana’s reopen plan in case you’re interested:

TIL (today I learned): Frasier the Sensuous Lion was one sexy dude. He was an 18 year-old lion (human equivalent of 80) who was adopted by a pride of females at an animal park. He was blind, had no teeth, and could barely walk — but he ended up siring 35 cubs. Read the article here… (There’s hope for all you over-the-hill guys, after all!)
And finally, a friend posted this on Facebook this morning and it made me laugh because it’s true. 🙂