Happy Star Wars day! So many people fail to understand that the reason stay-at-home-orders are loosening is because they now have room in ICU. It doesn’t mean the pandemic is over.
May the Fourth be with You and NOT the RONA! 🙂

Ben and I were talking over the weekend and concluded that while we wouldn’t go in a crowded grocery store, we would wear a mask and be at any Disney World park by rope drop once they open. We ordered our Disney masks in preparation. You can get yours by clicking here.
Still not sure how they’ll manage the safety of all cast members, but these guys could wear an N95 mask and we’d never know the difference…

I’ve decided to stop sharing the quick stats of new COVID-19 cases and deaths every single day — but to only include them when it’s something other than ordinary. It’s simply too depressing and too much work. Let’s just say we rode out April and are heading into May like…

One quick stat I will continue to share:
Merida – 1 : Really awesome pair of Tommy Bahama flip-flops – 0
TIL (today I learned): Part of the reason we sigh is because the alveoli in the lungs collapse with disuse, and a sigh pops them back open by taking in more air. Humans average about 12 sighs an hour, and without them our lungs would fail. Read the article here… ((sigh))