Happy un-Mother’s Day

May 10, 2020

Not like any other Mother’s Day in my history, today I’m looking forward to a drive-by.

And unlike Mothers Days past, today I’m eating leftovers. Perry loves meatballs made with that grape jelly sauce. First, I dropped a frozen meatball and Merida grabbed it up and ran under the bed. She ate it frozen.

Next, because I have 10,000 eggs, I boiled 18 to make deviled eggs to go with those meatballs. I used a kitchen towel underneath a paper towel for the eggs after removing the shell. Merida pulled the kitchen towel off the cabinet when I was distracted and did a full-on black dog run with one egg in her mouth. Dharma just stood and ate the other one while looking at me.

hot, mean dog

And finally, after three hours sleep the dogs woke me up. (Odd since Perry typically sleeps during the day.) I strolled through the living room only 1/2 awake to let them out and that’s when I found Perry, asleep on the lounge. He had the gas fireplace lit and right now — about an hour later with a window open, it’s still 84 degrees in the surrounding rooms.

Dinner – 0 : Merida – 1 : Shelley’s sleep – 0

So happy un-mothers day to me… happy Mothers Day to everyone else. Especially to my mom!

mom at 12

TIL (today I learned): Former presidents of the United States are not allowed to drive a vehicle except on private roads. They have to be accompanied by Secret Service and a driver for the rest of their lives. This measure was taken for security reasons following the assassination of JFK. Read the full article here…