it’s raining and i’m out of ideas of what to cook

May 18, 2020

It’s a nasty rainy Monday in southern Indiana. As if Mondays aren’t bad enough, I’m totally out of ideas insofar as what to cook anymore.

Every day runs together because of my work challenges and the RONA. Now it seems like what I’m eating is all the same too. I’m adding pounds that it took a couple months to get off because when I find myself with nothing to do, I make a dessert.

I make a mean cheesecake, you guys. And… I’ve made every kind of cheesecake on the planet in the last month. Cherry, strawberry, peanut butter, creamsicle, and more — you name it, I’ve probably made it. Oh, and cake with homemade icing too! It’s got to stop!

eat cake!

I’m going to start eating healthier and go back to preparing real meals that aren’t fat infused. Next Monday! 🙂

Because today, it’s raining… and it’s chilly (60° in mid-May is downright cold).

rain and more rain

TIL (today I learned): On January 13, 1958, Klansmen burned a cross on the lawn of a Lumbee American Indian woman in the town of St. Pauls, North Carolina as “a warning” because she was dating a white man. At their next rally, a group of 500 armed Lumbee encircled the klansmen and opened fire. Oh my! Read about it here…

Update on alcohol removing ink on carpet: It works… sort of. The spots were totally gone after treatment. But then, they bled back through a little. I’m going to repeat the process today. Bad dog!