I’ll admit I’ve been rather tense lately. It doesn’t help when I have this certain dog that opens drawers and takes items out to destroy. Take this $20 dollar bill for example…

Missing just the face of a president, I think the bank will let me turn it in for another one. But just in case, I think I’ll see if Perry will try to retrieve the rest of it tomorrow. 😉
With Perry on vacation, I’m averaging around 3.5 hours of sleep per night. I don’t want to miss the company. Since the pandemic, I take all the “real human time” I can get. Then, I nap late in the day and can’t fall asleep when it’s actually bedtime. It’s a viscous cycle, you guys.
While I don’t want to cut his vacation short, I hope I can survive one more day. With the stress of work — combined with the lack of sleep – my life feels like it’s in the same place the rest of that $20 dollar bill is. Deep poop.
I only have a few weeks to rest up because he has another vacation in October.
My trouble-making hound, Merida, not only knows how to open the door to let herself in the house if she’s outside — she has now learned how to open the door from the inside to let Dharma in. Picture the worst 2 year-old ever and multiply that by 100. Smart isn’t as easy as dumb when it comes to dogs.
Merida’s so smart in fact, I think I’ll see if I can get her a job sniffing out COVID-19. Read more about COVID sniffing dogs that are said to have close to 100% accuracy…