Last week my favorite brother, on his daily Facebook live offering, talked about leadership styles. All the comments from participants fell into two categories:
- How they felt they fell into the best “leadership style” type… or…
- Which horrible style category their own boss (or past boss) fell into
Funny stuff when you think about how those making comments about their fabulous leadership abilities (as in #1), would be rated by their colleagues/subordinates (as those in #2 above).
In my life I’m influenced by a fabulous leader! And no, I’m not talking about my favorite brother. I’m talking about Merida. I would assess her leadership style as a cross between the micro-manager and the yoga master.

You know how I told you about her opening the back door to let herself in from outside — and then, learning how to let Dharma in from outside? Well yesterday, she figured out how to open the door from the inside so they can both go outside.
As a great leader, she delegates closing the door to her subordinate — ME!

TIL (Today I Learned): Walt Disney was originally against the famous spaghetti-eating scene in Lady and the Tramp; he thought it would look too silly, and not romantic. Animator Frank Thomas disagreed, and animated the whole scene without layouts to convince Walt it would work. Walt was impressed, and kept it in. You can read more here…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-12.7 (up); Jackson Co – 11.0 (up and back in the orange); Florida 11.2 (down); Nevada – 13.5 (up)