Goodbye sandals and hello fuzzy socks!
October is here and it FEELS like fall in my slice of the world. Mid-morning with sunny skies and it’s barely above 50 degrees. We’re in that magic Indiana window where electric bills are low (rarely need A/C) and gas bills are also low (rarely need heat). I LOVE the change of seasons!
The RONA puts a damper on things though… no annual Oktoberfest in my city this year. 2020 would’ve been the 48th year for the Seymour Oktoberfest. So many organizations depend on the festival to raise funds and their community efforts will no doubt suffer. Oddly enough, one of the local bars still thinks it’s safe enough to offer the beer garden experience. 🙄Â
Adapt. Overcome. It’s fall in Indiana!
The RONA doesn’t change the fact that I can walk my dogs without sweating. It doesn’t mean I can’t go for a drive to see foliage as the leaves change to vibrant colors. And, it doesn’t mean I can’t take a photo of some random bird wondering what the Hell happened to summer.

They say Indiana has 12 seasons… Winter, Fool’s Spring, Second Winter, Spring of Deception, Third Winter, The Pollening, Actual Spring, Summer, Hell’s Front Porch, False Fall, Second Summer, and Actual Fall. Looking at the extended October forecast, I’m guessing we’re currently in False Fall.
TIL (Today I Learned): Freddie Mercury, of British rock group Queen, spent his last months recording as many vocals as he could for the band to finish after his death. You can read more here…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-13.8 (up); Jackson Co – 11.6 (up); Florida 11.1 (up); Nevada – 16.1 (up)