In March, COVID-19 mushroomed and it was pretty much all we heard about. It was scary. And then, it wasn’t. And now, our President, the FLOTUS and the WH Secretary — among a whole bunch of others affiliated with the WH — have tested positive for the virus. And just like that, it’s scary again.
Still, it’s not as scary to me as this:
The POTUS doesn’t like dogs!
Most US Presidents have had at least one dog. Many of them had several. But not Donald Trump.
I now know this because it was brought to my attention by Biden’s latest political ad…
Biden vowed to stop the negative ad campaign after President Trump tested positive for the rona. Then we get the ad above. As a dog lover, I think the strategy here is pretty clever. “Choose your humans wisely.”
So I contemplated… Can I vote for someone that doesn’t love dogs??
Then I did some research… William McKinley didn’t have a dog and you know what happened to him, right? After a failed assassination attempt he died of gangrene. Pattern?
And then, I looked at Bill Clinton’s chocolate lab. It’s my opinion that his dog, Buddy, is the best looking Presidential pet ever! But Bill’s married to Hillary.
And just like that, I realized that I don’t care if Trump has a dog! I’m just thrilled that I do. 🙂

Even AFTER I taped together that $20 that Merida snatched.

And finally… I can’t find anything… anywhere… about any dog… that Kamala Harris owns. That negates Biden’s dog ownershop so no voting preference shall be given in this election based upon puppers.
TIL (Today I Learned): All about presidents and their dogs… and other pets. Like… the only pets Andrew Johnson had were some WH mice he started to care for during his impeachment proceedings. You can read more crazy Presidential pet trivia here…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-16.2 (up); Jackson Co – 18.1 (way up… ouch!); Florida 10.6 (down); Nevada – 14.4 (slightly down)