I ask the question but don’t really care what your politics are. At least, I don’t care enough that I need your political pushes on Facebook hour by hour. My sincere hope is that after the election this will stop. I doubt it will… but one can hope. I’m watching day three of confirmation hearings for nominee Amy Coney Barrett… and oh my goodness.
I mentioned the other day that Indiana has twelve seasons instead of four. I think we might be back in false fall again. Chilly mornings this time of year often bring fog that will sometimes last into late morning. While pretty to look at from my front door here, it also serves to remind me how much prettier it was from my old place in the country.

When mornings are cool, it makes my doggos frisky. Really frisky! For example, Merida was so frisky yesterday that she didn’t know what to do with herself. But she ultimately found something to do…

So this weekend is the Distinction Summit — a 3-day virtual, live event that we’re hosting. We’ve had lots of people sign-up, and time is tight. So far, everything that could’ve gone wrong has — from DNS server propagation issues to not enough time to get everything done — it’s already posed enough challenges.
Y’all keep your fingers crossed for us that everything goes smoothly this weekend. 🙂
TIL (Today I Learned):Â London not only has the ‘Big Ben’ but also has a ‘Little Ben’ that’s located at Victoria Station. It mimics the design of its big brother not far away at Westminster Bridge. Â Learn more about ‘Little Ben’ here.
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-22.6 (up); Jackson Co – 37.1 (ummm… I think it’s time to hibernate!); Florida 12.1 (up); Nevada – 18.0 (up)