My poor Mama took a spill. I think she said the storm door tried to attack her tiny senior doggo and she heroically put herself in harm’s way to save her.

A trip to the ER to confirm no harm done to the brain, she was sent home with ice and no headache. She didn’t mention hurting her wrist until she was home and I guess it’s the most painful.
Crazy, but as severe as the pandemic is here you’d think the hospitals would be enforcing a bit more caution. No temperature check, just one question and you get awarded a band for entry: “Have you been around anyone with the virus?” That’s it.
It’s hard to look at her and say she’s lucky… but she sure was lucky.

In other news, Merida ate another pillow. And then she threw it up. On carpet. And after shampooing 3 times, I still think it stinks.
And if it couldn’t get worse, I have a 3-day event this weekend. BLAH!!! If I wanted to be yacking on camera, I’d have chosen to be a speaker… or an actress in some role for an old hillbilly woman. Still, I have hours and hours ahead doing just that.
And finally, all schools in Jackson County are going to a hybrid schedule because of COVID. Elementary isn’t changing… yet — just grades 6-12.
TIL (Today I Learned): Ronald Reagan won 49 states and 525 electoral votes in the 1984 presidential election which is the most in history. Learn more here.
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-23.8 (up); Jackson Co – 30.7 (down but still extremely high); Florida 12.4 (up); Nevada – 18.0 (same)