Right around 5:00 PM ET my weather radio began blaring, Merida went berserk, Dharma barked at the window, and my phone rang. All at the same time. I got the radio silenced and answered the phone.
It was Ben. He was driving home on US 50 but traffic was totally stopped. He explained it was raining so hard visibility was zero, his car was rocking from wind, and he missed reading the alert he received on his phone. I let him know the alert was regarding a tornado warning.
By that time, the sirens in Seymour were blaring and my weather radio was squawking again, telling me to take cover. Merida assumed this was some new and great game and chewed on Dharma’s ear, turned over a chair, and knocked a couple cords out of their wall sockets. I sent Perry a text to let him know we were likely going to die.
Then, the peskies sent a text with a photo…

About 30 minutes after that, Perry sent a text with a photo…

Crazy how the same angry storm in two different places within a 30-minute timeframe can have such drastically different hues.
The bad news is… we went from almost 80 degrees to 55 degrees in a very short amount of time. And it’s still raining.
The good news is… we are all fine, Ben got home, Perry got home, the peskies didn’t get blown away, and everything Merida did was a non-permanent and fixable boo boo. AND it’s a weekend… AND I’m taking vacation days… AND Perry is on vacation for a week!
TIL (Today I Learned): Per the Grand Forks Herald today, North Dakota is so overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases, they told infected residents to do their own contact tracing. 🙄
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-29.8 (up); Jackson Co – 46.2 (up again…bright red); Florida 15.5 (up); Nevada – 22.4 (down)
I’m so very sick of this shit crap. And the World Health Organization said today this would likely go on through 2022. Yes, seriously.