Typically, I like to check out what’s trending on Twitter as one of the first things I do when I’m having my morning coffee. A popular hashtag this morning was #fakemelania.
Too hard to resist that one, I had to know more. And, because one of my favorite celebrities is part of the tending topic, I couldn’t help but share #fakemelania with y’all.

Nothing fake about the peskies, that’s for sure. They visited yesterday for a short time Rona style (they stay in the car, Ben stands outside the car with a mask, and I keep distance except for a good-bye elbow bump).

Not warm enough here in southern Indiana — and because neither of them can sit still for 5-minutes — the wheels on the motorhome are probably already turning on this crisp Sunday morning.
Mom is more worried about falling again than she is about getting COVID. Priorities and all that. Her bruises are fading, but the memory of the fall is still pretty clear.

If either would have been born wealthy, they would likely be nomadic gypsies… traveling the world… barely stopping long enough to take a photo to send by text message. Five times. (Because photos don’t arrive quickly enough, they send them over and over until the first one makes it through and pings my phone.) 🙄
TIL (Today I Learned):Â Once a president’s term is over, they can never drive a car on an open road again. Read more about restrictions former presidents must adhere to…
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-30.2 (up); Jackson Co – 43.3 (down but still ugly); Florida 15.6 (up); Nevada – 22.8 (up)