Today is the birthday of my favorite brother. I looked for a normal photo to share on Facebook but all I found was this…

I refrained from sharing… but only because we have so many clients connected on social media.
Scott’s always been braver than I am — he’s currently vacationing in Kauai… during a pandemic. A COVID test before leaving; another upon arrival; and yet another to travel to Maui — but WAIT! He didn’t make it to Maui because the test can’t be older than 72 hours to travel and they didn’t receive their results in time.
I know it doesn’t sound awful to be stuck in a fabulous tropical place, but it sort of is when you’ve paid for accommodations elsewhere. And what if you have a positive test while there? Why… you quarantine for 2 weeks. Again, not an awful place to be stuck if you don’t have symptoms and can afford an extended stay away from home. I guess I’m just a big ole’ chicken.
And my sort of niece, Katie, had knee surgery scheduled this week that was postponed after she tested positive upon arrival at the hospital. She’s feeling fine but has the entire clan quarantined for at least 10-days. Will this EVER end?
And political posts on FB and the presidential race? They’re probably not going to be over with for a good while yet either. It’s like the photo below… Merida is all the people frantically hijacking other people’s posts like anyone actually cares what they have to say — and I’m Dharma.

I seriously saw the following comments to Trump supporters:
- After a post that questioned election results, a lady commented to let the post’s author know her dead parents would be disappointed and she couldn’t believe in God because of the way she voted.
- Another shamed a Trump voter and said it was a vote to kill him — because he’s not white and happens to be gay, he said he would be killed like the Jews.
- And yet another guy posted a photo of himself with his voter sticker and Trump mask and had to delete it because all the comments were causing his phone battery to go dead. (One chick posted 22 hate comments before he deleted it.)
I’m just reading it all… still looking like Dharma and keeping my mouth shut and fingers quiet on the keyboard.
TIL (Today I Learned): Contrary to its clichéd use in crime fiction, it takes at least five minutes of inhaling an item soaked in chloroform to render a person unconscious. Read more about chloroform here — unless you’re Casey Anthony or her Mom…
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-43.8 (way up); Jackson Co – 37.8 (down); Florida 20.1 (up); Nevada – 27.2 (up and red again)