A little dude that spoke English with a thick Spanish accent knocked on my door this morning before 9:00 AM telling me he was with Duke Energy. Ready to cut the tree down today that they were supposed to do last week, the dogs had yet to eat breakfast and do their business. Chaos ensued.
Good thing Perry was off today (not a good thing for him, I’m sure) because corralling Merida is no easy feat — and both dogs had to be taken out front on a leash.
The workers took a break at lunch so we latched the gate and let the dogs outside for a short bit. It was like an exciting field trip excursion for Merida! She loved the fact that there were chainsaws, ropes and lots of sticks to drag around and chew on.

She thought the abundance of sticks was about the coolest thing on the planet… UNTIL… she found a glove.

After a good 30-minutes of trying to get that darned glove away from her, we finally got both dogs back inside before the workers knew we’d even been out there. Probably. Here’s hoping they don’t notice the glove is now soaking wet with teeth marks.
TIL (Today I Learned): 7% of men suffer from paruresis, an anxiety disorder that means you can’t pee if other people are in close proximity. If you know someone with a shy bladder, you can read more about their condition here…
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-56.0 (up again); Jackson Co – 51.4 (way up again); Florida 23.1 (up); Nevada – 36.6 (big jump up)
How about the timing on the announcement by Pfizer regarding the COVID-19 vaccine? Thrilled that it’s looking 90% effective, but doubt the timing (right after the election?) is a coincidence.