With all the negativity on social media platforms, I’m finding I am turned off from engaging at all. It’s exhausting! The energy online is depleting, distracting and disruptive.
I saw today a few of my friends are switching to MeWe (sort of like Facebook) and Parler (sort of like Twitter) so I created an account on both. Sadly, I followed one person on Parler and not one solitary person on MeWe. I simply didn’t have the energy to do it.
I’m wondering how many people are like me… just wondering what it would be like to unplug from all news and all social media. I don’t do it though, only because I don’t want to be ignorant of what’s going on in the world — even if it’s served up in half-truths, I guess.
Oh, to be more like Merida. She spends the bigger part of the day at a desk and is oblivious to anything that doesn’t make her happy.

Even Dharma has the “unplug from things that aren’t pleasurable” philosophy down to a science. They both love to eat. Merida works off calories and Dharma doesn’t care if her butt looks big. 🙂

And finally, something from the way back machine that I wouldn’t have seen if not for someone sharing it on Facebook: