Duke Energy showed up to finish cleaning up the mess of limbs they left from earlier in the week. Starting before 7:30 AM (yes, BEFORE 7:30 AM!!), they did a decent job on the limbs they pulled to the front yard.

But… they evidently forgot they didn’t finish in the backyard. It still looks exactly like this after 4 days. I wonder if REMC has a different company doing their tree removal because they never, ever left a mess like this.

I’m betting the yard belonging to the pesky neighbors looks better even after tropical storm, Eta, dumped rain and blew stuff around at their winter location. Not sure if I call and complain or just get out there and clean up the mess — and if I do cleanup, what do I do with the debris?
I’ve read a few articles over the last couple days about good ole’ COVID that are concerning. The first was Biden’s Covid advisor stating a full, national lock-down for 4-6 weeks could control the epidemic. Another talking about how Biden wants to enforce a mask mandate nationwide, and how some state governors aren’t drinking the kool-aid.
Here in Jackson County, Indiana, we’re sort of in trouble. Nearby Columbus Regional Hospital is now bunking patients two per COVID room because they’re full up. This was released yesterday on social media:

I have Covid fatigue. Oh, you too? I’m still staying home when I can and wearing a mask when I need to go out. I’m staying away from bars and restaurants and haven’t taken a vacation “get away.” That’s the best I can offer and that’s more than I can say for a whole lot of people — friends and family included. And that’s why the government feels they need to step in. Someone must control the stupid people.
TIL (Today I Learned): The snow scene in The Wizard of Oz (1939) used Industrial Grade Asbestos as Snow. Cotton was used as fake snow until the 1920s, but was considered a fire hazard. Read more…
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-66.5 (way up); Jackson Co – 57.8 (way up again); Florida 23.7 (up); Nevada – 42.2 (big jump up)

Interesting to note that every single county in Indiana is RED. We don’t mess around being all “ordinary orange” or “yellow-bellied yellow.” Oh no! We are “red and ready” — a whole state comprised of ‘hold my beer’ folks.