Received word that Wal-mart in Indiana and Illinois (and likely other states, as well) sent a “911” message to employees today. They are going back to 20% capacity starting tomorrow. That means caution tape and shopping carts forcing lines to be formed and people counted upon entry.
They also said there’s talk of going to essential items only in the near future. The message to associates hit hard on responsibility. Responsibility of the employees to follow directives while driving home the situation is desperate.
If Marion County went to full e-learning at 49.8% risk level — how long before Jackson County follows suit since we’re 63.3%? I’m so thankful my parenting days are over! What do people do when both parents must work? Here’s a day I’m happy to only be a parent of one adult and a gravy eating hound!

I always worked and had Nanny when Ben was young. But there’s no way could she have handled e-learning. Even before online options, I’m not sure she could’ve managed that. Not because she wasn’t smart enough — she was — but I know how she was with Ben.
Nanny would’ve done the work and told Ben to watch TV and relax. I mean… she gave him a BELL TO RING when he wanted something. No way he would be required to work. Why, not even his brain should be put through anything so strenuous! She loved him most of all.

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-69.3 (way up); Jackson Co – 63.3 (way up — every single county in Indiana is now red); Florida 24.6 (up – .4 and they’ll be red again); Nevada – 42.4 (up)
TIL (Today I Learned): Coronavirus is ‘running rampant’ in Illinois with 15,415 new cases today (11/13/20). The most ever reported by any state in the US. Read about it here…
It’s a whopping 31° here right now. If it wasn’t bedtime, I’d have another bowl of chili while dodging floating COVID germs right here at home.