Up early to vacuum and steam mop the floors to put up my Christmas tree, I was excited! I’ve never decorated this early, but thought it might give me something different to look at. I’ve seen the same old inside of this house since March.
My heart sunk when, after looking through every single box Perry brought in the house, there was no tree stand to be found. I probably have 25 of the things in the attic. I climb up the ladder to look around and I can see tons of Christmas boxes. I then debate if I should get up in there knowing I’m alone and no one is close if I pulled a Teddy and needed help.
Ted did a big spinaroonie on that same ladder and broke a hip. With Perry in Madison, the Peskies in Florida, and Ben in Indy, I figured I should just give it up for the day. Plans thwarted, I get to look at this — much worse than the same old thing since March.

If that’s not bad enough, I also have to worry that Merida will tear stuff up since it’s just laying there on the floor. It’s sooo tempting.

I know. they LOOK innocent. But only one of them is.
What a poopy way to start the week. Know what else is poopy? COVID on the rise is poopy. Really poopy!
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-83.2 (UP-oh my!); Jackson Co – 74.3 (up); Florida 25.3 (up); Nevada – 46.9 (up)
There are NO states that are green risk level left. There’s only 1 yellow state – Hawaii at 7.1. There are 11 orange states at under 25. The highest risk level state is North Dakota at 181.4. Indiana is 12th insofar as risk level… but our bars and restaurants are still open.
TIL (Today I Learned): Daredevil, Evel Knievel, ruined his career when he attacked a man with a baseball bat due an unflattering book. Evel only served 6 months in jail but lost all his endorsements and contracts. You can read more here…