My good friend, Alisa, is the best cook I know. She gives me recipes I never try. By giving me recipes, I really mean that she rattles off ingredients in one looong run-on sentence. To me it sounds like, “Blah blah blah, milk, blah blah flour, blah blah blah.” At the end she always exclaims, “It’s really easy!”
No. No it’s not.
Since March, I’ve spent more on groceries than I have in the past 10 years combined. I’ve cooked all my standby dishes that everyone seems to like… multiple times. I’m famous (probably because no one has gotten sick yet) for my chili. I make a mean chicken fettuccini alfredo. I’m good with gravy. My deviled eggs are amazing. Ummm… that’s it! Tada!
Post-Rona, I’ve been cooking like I think I’m in line to be the next Betty Crocker. I’ve been saving recipes to try and have dabbled a bit making new things. My chicken nuggets with Marion Kay breading have made it to the good list. Yippee!

Our family has never made a big deal over Thanksgiving. Nanny used to cook — pies the night before and early to rise to cook until grace was said at the table — but once she died, no one wanted to be passed the Turkey Day baton. No one wanted ME to take it, for sure.
That’s life. You don’t always get what you want. I don’t want to cook; others probably would be happier if I didn’t. As my favorite granddaughter says…
You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.
I just got word the Peskies will be home for the holiday! Because of the RONA, I’m going to make a traditional meal and just let everyone know to pick up a sampling.
And I’m going to try something new, you guys! Some sweet potato fancy shit stuff. Now don’t get in your head I’m making this dish all from scratch or anything, but for me — I’m going pretty far out of my cooking comfort zone. You’ll know how it turned out as soon as I do. 😉
I get frustrated with the current situation, but for all the disruptions and challenges, I still feel grateful my family is healthy. Even though work is in the toilet, I still have food to screw up. This too shall pass. And I have this to look at…

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-94.6 (UP); Jackson Co – 93.0 (up significantly); Florida 33.7 (up); Nevada – 57.9 (up)
TIL (Today I Learned):Â The Lewis & Clark expedition only suffered one casualty. Dysentery, snake bites, a dislocated shoulder, venereal disease and Lewis being shot in the buttocks after being mistaken for an elk all threatened the group’s well-being, but the only man to die did so as a result of a burst appendix. Read 10 little known facts about the expedition…