There’s a ding dong shortage in Jackson and Jefferson Counties. I know this because I’ve added ding dongs to my grocery list the last 5 orders. “Out of Stock” is the message received from both the Madison store and the one in Seymour.
Thanks to the hoarders of toilet paper and ding dongs, I’m going to try my hand at Alisa’s cookies today. See? There’s always something good (hopefully) that comes out of something bad!
And guess what else! There’s snow in the forecast for Monday! I’m not the only one excited…

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-92.2 (down a tad); Jackson Co – 112.7 (up lots); Florida 32.0 (down); Nevada – 63.7 (down)
Although I’m not a fan of CNN, they do have a cool COVID tool you might want to check out. You enter your zip code and can find out how many confirmed sickies are floating around you and the % of the population where you live is infected.

My county is below state average insofar as income — but we are shining bright insofar as how many people are rockin’ the virus. Correlation maybe? I don’t know. What I do know Colette begins e-learning tomorrow. The Seymour Mayor said it wasn’t student related:

TIL (Today I Learned): Country music became popular in America partially through a pirate radio station of a doctor based out Kansas. Prior to his radio days, the good doctor built a fortune on a procedure to implant goat testicles into men’s scrotums. For country music fans that want to know more…