I understand times have changed and the way we service our customers has also changed. But listening and responding — assisting customers — is the same as it’s been for as long as I can remember. Some do it well… others not so great.
One thing that DRIVES ME CRAZY — and that happened to me just today — is when a form response is sent that doesn’t really apply to the problem for which the customer requested assistance. I explained my issue and the response I received was a canned reply.
That tells me my problem wasn’t important enough to even read my request for assistance. And to end the correspondence with something like, “Thanks for being the best part of XYZ company,” is like an exclamation point after the jack slap to the face.
You can’t call because there’s no support number… that’s pretty standard anymore since support teams are often located outside of the US. So as a customer, I sit and simmer knowing it’s going to be another 10 hours before I get a response that I should’ve gotten upon my first request if the company cared more about me and less about my monthly payment.
If you’re in business — pay attention and actually read trouble tickets created. If you don’t, your customers will be looking for alternatives to do business elsewhere… just like I am.
In other news, the old Wyze cam outdoor isn’t outdoors yet. Still, it sends alerts. Most of them are triggered by the same thing…
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-80.6 (down a tad); Jackson Co – 114.3 (up slightly) — 5.5% infected (same); Florida 36.5 (up a bit); Nevada – 83.3 (up)
I placed two covid germs as placeholders as the map changes… 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): In 1995, an inmаte sued himself for $5 million saying that he was drunk at the time of the crіme, which caused him to violate his religious beliefs and civil rights by getting arrеsted. He reasoned that as a ward of state, and unable to work, the state should pay him the money. He lost.